Blogging by Mail 4 Music Edition
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Welcome to the fourth edition of Blogging by Mail, First conceived of and hosted By Nic. What it is plain and simple is a food swap, it is a chance for all the food bloggers to get to know your fellow blogger, to see the hand writing, to witness the craftiness of the packing, taste local treats from a far off land. In this edition my I suggest that we make it musical as well as tasty. Along with your foodie contents you may enclose a cd that you compiled from you selection of mp3's, now I know that not everyone has a cd burner so this optional for the swap.
Blogging by mail is an international event, and you dont need a blog to participate. So are you in? Of course you are, here is how to participate.
Welcome to the fourth edition of Blogging by Mail, First conceived of and hosted By Nic. What it is plain and simple is a food swap, it is a chance for all the food bloggers to get to know your fellow blogger, to see the hand writing, to witness the craftiness of the packing, taste local treats from a far off land. In this edition my I suggest that we make it musical as well as tasty. Along with your foodie contents you may enclose a cd that you compiled from you selection of mp3's, now I know that not everyone has a cd burner so this optional for the swap.
Blogging by mail is an international event, and you dont need a blog to participate. So are you in? Of course you are, here is how to participate.
- Send me an email thefoodninja(at)yahoo(dot)ca with BBM4 in the subject line. No latter than Jan10-06 I am making this an extra long sign up so that folks can get there holidays stuff over with before having to mail out more packages.
- Include your name, address, url of your blog(if you have one), any allergies, or dislikes.
- Genre type of music if you will be sending a cd I will try and match you to someone of your own taste.
- If you want to ship within your own country please indicate that as well, otherwise all participants may draw an international partner.
- I will send out the swap partners by the 15th of Jan.
- Please ship all parcels by the 1st of Feb.
- I will be having a running round up just like Cathy at my little kitchen, so once you have received your parcel please send me a link, or if you dont have a blog send me a write up and I will host it for you.
I am stoked to be the first Canadian hosting, and my first ever hosting duties, Let me know if I have missed anything.
At 12:04 PM,
Stephanie said…
You can count me in!
At 2:11 PM,
mae said…
Me too, please?
At 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just sent the email, this is a great idea!
Bill in Providence, RI, USA
At 7:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you Templar , you can count me in , already i have send a email for partecipate . Very very good idea the BBM !!! :)
At 11:33 AM,
Sandra said…
Dear Templar...Me 2 please !!
At 9:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
yay! me too!
At 1:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey.. i wanna join too.. but... is der an age limit?? cos im onli 14...
At 1:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
i sent an email alr.. im the invisible_loner... plz tell mi if thers an age limit...
At 7:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
in reply to your comment in my "blog": old english site of anathema is closed now. new english fan-site (under construction) is at
At 1:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
i also tried to email, but it came back. how do i get in touch to get involved?
At 6:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sent an email but got an automated response that wouldn't open. Would love to participate!
At 9:32 AM,
Petula said…
me 2 please.
I sent a email.
At 4:29 PM,
anni said…
What happened? No email response. Am I in or shall I move on and fuhgetaboutit?
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