Day in the life of a Food Ninja

A burnt out late 20's something guy tries to get back to normality

Friday, September 23, 2005


Blogging By Mail was an idea brought forward by Nic at Baking Sheet Blog The Idea was that several people throw there names into a hat and then everyone gets a person to send something to. This time I drew a person from New York whom I think has not gotten her package yet, However this time I received my package from Cathy who's blog is My Little Kitchen her profile picture is a cute kitchen that reminds me of a flat kitchen I once had.

Most of you know I work nights... While I nodded, nearly Napping, suddenly there came a tapping. As if some one gently rapping. Rapping at my chamber door, but there it was a package sitting by my chamber door. And there he was the man I had been expecting the most, with the emblem apon his tunic blazing "Canada Post"

"Sign here" Said the man, and with this request I did comply. Fore what was in the package I did anticipate brownies, cake, or Pie.
That was fun....

The low down what was in the package.
  • A large package of Pecan Halves
  • Brownies with nuts Mmmmm
  • A cookie cook book
  • Some spices, for chicken
  • A bag of Candy corn (my fall fave)
  • A bag of dried cranberries
  • A Reese Peanutbutter cup.
  • Nibby Bar
  • Toll House Cookie bar
  • Pay Day Bar

This was soo cool A cook book the gift that keeps on giving.. I love Payday this is not available in Canada. This package was soo cool and very fun. Thank you very much Cathy everything was wonderful.


  • At 6:26 AM, Blogger Cathy said…

    Hi Jason - What a nice write-up - with poetry and everything! I'm so glad the package arrived OK. If I'd known you loved Payday bars and couldn't find them there, I'd have sent a few more!

  • At 10:55 AM, Blogger Nic said…

    That is a great looking package, Jason. Nice write up!

  • At 8:37 PM, Blogger Randi said…

    cool stuff. Im sending mine off tomorrow( I was waiting until I went to the states to mail it). I've enclosed some classic canadian candy bars in my box.

  • At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Eliza Eats said…

    Hello nicee blog


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