Blogging By Mail was an idea brought forward by Nic at Baking Sheet Blog The Idea was that several people throw there names into a hat and then everyone gets a person to send something to. This time I drew a person from New York whom I think has not gotten her package yet, However this time I received my package from Cathy who's blog is My Little Kitchen her profile picture is a cute kitchen that reminds me of a flat kitchen I once had.
Most of you know I work nights... While I nodded, nearly Napping, suddenly there came a tapping. As if some one gently rapping. Rapping at my chamber door, but there it was a package sitting by my chamber door. And there he was the man I had been expecting the most, with the emblem apon his tunic blazing "Canada Post"
"Sign here" Said the man, and with this request I did comply. Fore what was in the package I did anticipate brownies, cake, or Pie.
That was fun....
The low down what was in the package.
- A large package of Pecan Halves
- Brownies with nuts Mmmmm
- A cookie cook book
- Some spices, for chicken
- A bag of Candy corn (my fall fave)
- A bag of dried cranberries
- A Reese Peanutbutter cup.
- Nibby Bar
- Toll House Cookie bar
- Pay Day Bar
This was soo cool A cook book the gift that keeps on giving.. I love Payday this is not available in Canada. This package was soo cool and very fun. Thank you very much Cathy everything was wonderful.
At 6:26 AM,
Cathy said…
Hi Jason - What a nice write-up - with poetry and everything! I'm so glad the package arrived OK. If I'd known you loved Payday bars and couldn't find them there, I'd have sent a few more!
At 10:55 AM,
Nic said…
That is a great looking package, Jason. Nice write up!
At 8:37 PM,
Randi said…
cool stuff. Im sending mine off tomorrow( I was waiting until I went to the states to mail it). I've enclosed some classic canadian candy bars in my box.
At 4:05 PM,
Eliza Eats said…
Hello nicee blog
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