Day in the life of a Food Ninja

A burnt out late 20's something guy tries to get back to normality

Thursday, June 16, 2005



Strawberry Crumble

I tossed the cook books last night and did this one off the top of my head. I am always scared to do this because of the last time (the taramisu incident) but this time it was wonderfull..

The Hardware
Sauce pan
9x12 deep pan.
Large bowl

The Software
1lb strawberries
2 baking apples
2 stocks of rhubarb
1/2c sugar
1/2c brown sugar
1/4c butter
aprox 300gram of granola

The application
In a sauce pan gently heat the following with the white sugar: Pealed and slice apple, sliced strawberry, and slixed rhubarb. cook till rhubarb is no longer woody.

In a bowl mix the butter with the brown sugar and then mix in the granola.

In a pan put the fruit mixture in bottom and the granola mixture on top, bake in a preheated oven for aprox 1/2 hour @ 350 deg.. I served with vanila ice cream....

Ninja Rated 4 Throwing Stars

as I was driving to work last night I saw a sign on the side of a truck that said..

"The grandfather had a farm, The father has a garden, and the son had a can opener. " it just made me think...

-end post


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